
Revizto Coordination app delivers deep analytics across the project showing issue tracking performance

About Revizto Coordination

The Revizto Coordination app delivers deep analytics and insight on issues across the project.

This helps understand how a project team is performing and the different stages of the project,



USD Per project / month

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How to set up Revizto Coordination

Getting started with Revizto Coordination is dead easy.

In your Revizto project you need to invite as a user.

Trouble Shooting

If you're not seeing the latest data, you may have to click on the "Refresh Dataset" button on the top right of the page.

If you're data is not loading at all, contact us via the chat widget

Revizto Coordination Features

The Revizto Coordination app delivers deep analytics and insight on issues across the project.

This helps understand how a project team is performing and the different stages of the project,


Revizto Coordination landing page gives you insight at a glance

  1. Overview card at the top left gives quick status of issues on the project
    Created and Closed, number of ongoing issues, and how that has progressed over the last 3 months. Clash, Stamp and Sheet issue stats
  2. Filter Panel
  3. Issue Type, Status and Priority
  4. Issues by Discipline using Deep Space Team Builder
  5. Trend Analyitcs over time forecast
  6. Issues Created and Closed over time


Where are issues located across the building/zone

  1. Issues by Deep Space Control Level
  2. Revizto+ Level
  3. Zone and Package
  4. Select filtered issues and "Explore" to drill through
  5. If you have multiple Revizto projects linked to 1 DS Project
  6. Review Issues by assignee


How do Issues fair over time

  1. Number of issues created this week, over time and vs weekly average
  2. Average days taken to close issues
  3. Number of issues closed this week, over time and vs weekly average
  4. Created vs closed (by week)
  5. On Going Issue Trend
  6. Created vs closed
  7. Summary of findings


How are issues distributed across project by priority.

  1. Scale of distribution by priority
  2. How priority of issues track over time


How do issues age over time

  1. Number of issues closed within 14 Days
  2. Average days taken to close issues
  3. Number of Stale Issues (60+ Days)
  4. By Discipline
  5. Age in days of issue priority
  6. By Assinee
  7. Filter by Age Group and Status


Browse all project issues

  1. Search Panel
  2. Number of Filtered Issues
  3. Browse and view all issues